SOFTWARE Built For BioMed
CompliaMED™ is a custom application development company dedicated to the HTM Industry. We focus on biomedical equipment maintenance.
We believe that purpose built solutions improve every aspect of a business. Our BioMED MAX™ flagship application is a turn key and ready to go to work in your biomedical services company.
We also create customized solutions for those with unique needs. From onsite secure servers ad custom database connection to specialized mobile apps for in house and mobile service.
Rigorously developed for over 10 years in a busy biomedical services company.
Customized for specific HTM requirements and regulatory compliance.
Built in collaboration with certified Biomedical Equipment Technicians (BMETs)
Unique to HTM office tools for inspection & repair reports and billing.
Bill Peloquin and Chris Zulliger have been working on this custom CRM, CMMS and Asset Management software together for over a decade. After many inquiries from other biomedical service companies, the nameless custom program became BioMED MAX™. In early 2021 work began on solidifying the platform for use by other BioMed companies. In 2022, CompliaMED™ offered BioMED MAX™ and BMETmobile® Apps as SaaS (software as a service) to the HTM industry and independent BioMed service companies.
Bill Peloquin, Founder & CEO
Bill is the BioMed guy. Over twenty years in BioMedical Service has brought deep understanding of the unique systems and tools necessary to effectively and properly service the HTM industry.
Bill realized early on that the available software for biomedical service companies lacked industry specific requirements. The only solution would be to build his own.
With this customized system in place it became a simple process to scale his company, provide technicians with proper tools, and deliver compliant reports to customers.
Reach out to Bill for some great stories and advice on the system that changed everything. Contact Bill
Chris Zulliger, President & CTO
Chris is the Tech guy. One of the original and primary system engineers. Overseeing daily operations and managing the development team keeps him hopping.
As a seasoned business professional with several startups under his belt, it made perfect sense to join forces with Bill to start a new company dedicated to providing comprehensive digital tools for the HTM community.
Our development team has built specific systems for several different industries. The HTM industry needs and regulatory requirements are unique and more challenging than any other.
You should always challenge yourself, but your software shouldn’t be challenge you back!